Contingency Assessment


  • Are you aware of the benefits your compulsory plan provides in the event of death, disability or incapacity ?
  • Do you know how your personal contract disability rate is defined ?
  • Do you know that there are several scales ?
  • Do you know how to calculate your disability pension ?
  • Do you know that with the same level of disability your pension may vary from one to two times greater depending on the terms of your contract ?
  • Are you sure that the activities you are involved in are covered by your contract ?
  • Do you know who will bear your premiums in case of a long illness ?
  • Do you know if the amount of your periodic contribution is appropriate to your personal situation? Do you contribute too much or not enough ?



Our solution

A good line of questioning is the basis of any solution.
Our solution is divided into several stages :

1. Defining your goals
2. Analyzing your existing coverage
3. Defining your needs
4. A comprehensive strategy for optimizing your contingency
5. The selection of the most suitable products for your personal situation

The benefits of André & Associés 

With our CONTINGENCY ASSESSMENT assistance, we help you make the right decisions to anticipate difficult times.

Our specialists will advise you according to your needs in order to optimize your coverage with the right products.

Thanks to our analysis, you’ll eliminate the uncertainty factor and will have no more doubts about your future in the event of an accident.





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